140 North Lime Street Lancaster, PA
This beautifully crafted townhouse was built in 1915 with designs by Architect Henry M. Bartholomew. He also designed the Maytown National Bank, Lancaster’s Groff and Wolf Building, and other local buildings.
The home was built for Frank G. Shirk and wife Jennie (Cromer) Shirk. Mr. Shirk was a prominent broker of real estate and insurance. His office was at 5 North Duke Street, Lancaster.
Census records include the names of hired housekeepers who lived in this home with the Shirks. Anna Mathiot (age 23) lived here in the 1920s. Mary J. Eagle (age 18) was here in 1930s.
The house is in a Federal Revival style. It has Flemish bond brickwork with dark headers, a Palladian-style dormer, keystoned segmental arches and jack arches, a modillioned cornice with dentils, plus an entry having sidelights and a elliptical fanlight. The first-floor window on the right was originally an arched opening into a side porch. The porch was enclosed to create a spacious sunroom.
Thanks to research historian Deb Oesch for identifying the architect and for providing other information.
Stained-glass window inside this townhouse