Above: A sampling of Georgian townhouses of Lancaster PA. (Georgian pages: Here.)
Research Sources for this Website:
Brooks, John B., Snyder Jr., John J., Wiley, Mary T., Our Present Past, The Historic Preservation Trust of Lancaster County, 1985. Link.
Lancaster newspaper archives, LNP / Lancaster Online. Link.
Lancaster city directories online, LancasterHistory, 1834 - 1900. Link. 1901 - 1914. Link.
Census records and other historical documents on Ancestry. Link.
Sanborn maps of Lancaster, PA, Library of Congress. Link.
Recorder of Deeds, Lancaster County, PA. Link.
Lancaster County Property Assessment Office: LanCo View. Link. Parcel Search. Link.
Above: Detail of the Muhlenberg Parsonage, built ca. 1748 - 1773. Link.
Selected Bibliography:
Bergengren, Charles. "The Cycle of Transformation in the Houses of Schaefferstown, Pennsylvania." Ph.D. diss., University of Pennsylvania, 1988.
---"The Cycle of Transformation in Schaefferstown, Pennsylvania Houses." In Thomas Carter and Bernard L. Herman, eds. Perspectives in Vernacular Architecture, vol. 4, Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 1991: 98-107.
Brumbaugh, G. Edwin. "Colonial Architecture of the Pennsylvania Germans." Pennsylvania German Society Proceedings 41 (1933).
Bucher, Robert C. "The Continental Log House." Pennsylvania Folklife 12 (Summer 1962): 14-19.
---"Steep Roofs and Red Tiles." Pennsylvania Folklife XII : 2 (Summer 1961): 18-24.
---"The Swiss Bank House in Pennsylvania." Pennsylvania Folklife XVIII: 2 (Winter 1968): 2-11.
Butcher, Scott D. Historic Architecture of Pennsylvania. Schiffer Publishing Ltd. 2012.
Falk, Cynthia Gale. Architecture and Artifacts of the Pennsylvania Germans: Constructing Identity in Early America. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2008.
Friesen, Steve. A Modest Mennonite Home. Good Books, 1990.
Glassie, Henry. "A Central-Chimney Continental Log House" Pennsylvania Folklife 18 (Winter 1968-69): 32-40.
Herman, Bernard L. Town House: Architecture and Material Culture in the Early American City, 1780-1830. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2005.
Lancaster's Heritage; An Historical Preservation Study for Lancaster County, Lancaster County Planning Commission, 1972.
Lanier, Gabrielle M. and Herman, Bernard L. Everyday Architecture of the Mid-Atlantic: Looking at Buildings and Landscapes. The Johns Hopkins University Press. 1997.
Lestz, Gerald S., editor. Lancaster County Architecture 1700-1850. Historic Preservation Trust of Lancaster County, 1992.
---Historic Heart of Lancaster, A Do-it-Yourself Guide for a Walking Tour, Lancaster: John Baer's Sons, 1962.
Above: Detail of a Federal-style townhouse on East Orange St. Link.
Milner, John. "Germanic Architecture in the New World." Proceedings of Thematic Sessions of the Twenty-Eighth Annual Meeting of the Society of Architectural Historian. Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians 34 (December 1975): 299.
Murtagh, William J. Moravian Architecture and Town Planning: Bethlehem Pennsylvania and Other Eighteenth-Century American Settlements. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1967.
Our Present Past: An Update of Lancaster's Heritage. Lancaster, PA: Historic Preservation Trust of Lancaster County, 1985.
Raymond, Eleanor. Early Domestic Architecture of Pennsylvania. New York: W. Helburn, 1931.
Richman, Irwin. German Architecture in America: Folk House, Your House, Bauhaus, and More. Schiffer Publishing Ltd. 2003.
Schneider, David B., editor with additional text by. The Historic City of Lancaster / A Report on its Historic Resources. City of Lancaster Department of Housing and Community Development. Lancaster, 1995.
Schuyler, David. A City Transformed: Redevelopment, Race, and Suburbanization in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. University Park: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2002.
Schuyler, David. Constructing the Campus, Franklin & Marshall College 1853-2019. Lancaster: Franklin & Marshall College, 2019.
Snyder, John J. Jr. Handbook of Lancaster County Architecture, Styles and Terms. Historic Preservation Trust of Lancaster County, 1979.
---Lancaster Architecture, 1719-1927: A Guide to Publicly Accessible Buildings in Lancaster County. Historic Preservation Trust of Lancaster County, 1979.
---Lancaster's Architecture, the Past's Gifts to the City's Future. The Junior League of Lancaster, 1976.
Stallings, Suzanne, et al. Teaching about Lancaster's Architectural Heritage: Teacher's Guide. City of Lancaster, Lancaster City Council, 2009.
Weaver, William Woys. "The Pennsylvania German House: European Antecedents and New World Forms." Winterthur Portfolio 21 (1986): 243-63.
Above: Detail of the 1802 Messencope House. Link.