28 North Prince Street Lancaster, PA
Miss Mary E. Gruel built this building in 1897 for her cake-and-candy business / ice cream parlor, and for her home. She was in her 30s at that time.
Mary Gruel was the third generation of prosperous confectioners in this region. For many years the Gruel family satisfied Lancaster’s sweet tooth with the finest cakes, candies, and ice cream. Her grandparents were German immigrants to Lancaster who learned the confection business in Germany.
Mary Gruel lived here in her confectionery shop and rented her spare rooms to boarders. She live here for several years before marrying Joseph M. Shaub in 1903. Today the building is home to the Fulton Theatre’s Tell Studio Theatre.
The building has a dentilled-and-modillioned cornice, brick pilasters topped by brick arches, and fanlights in the third-floor windows.