307 - 313 North Queen Street Lancaster, PA
This ca. 1870 building is architecturally “one of the city’s best surviving commercial structures from the 1870s” according to the Historic Preservation Trust’s 1985 publication Our Present Past.
It was built for David M. Hess as rental property. It has been used for stores and apartments.
This brick building has a bracketed cornice and nine bays separated by brick pilasters topped by blind arches. In 1921 it was purchased by builder / contractor Walter C. Zook. He made some alterations at that time. He apparently made changes to the store fronts.
In the 1920s this builder, Walter C. Zook, used #313 as his office (on the left side in this photo). He built hundreds of houses in Lancaster. He also constructed many other Lancaster buildings including the Church of God building, the Capitol Theatre, and the Pennsylvania Hotel.