335 East Clay Street Lancaster, PA
This townhouse was built ca. 1900 and is an attractive example of American Foursquare architecture. The Foursquare details include: a square footprint, full-length front porch, hipped roof, and central dormer.
For decades this was the home of Miss Anna B. Hahn, a well-known piano teacher. She was a 1908 graduate of Lancaster High School and studied piano with instructor Ethel E. Whitmore. Beginning in the 1920s Miss Hahn gave countless student piano recitals here in her home, on her Steinway spinet and her Kranich and Bach piano.
Miss Hahn never married. She was the only child of watchmaker Joseph C. Hahn and Harriet “Hattie” V. (Bennett) Hahn. She had lived here with her parents, and then received this house when her parents passed away in the 1940s.