Business and Civic Projects by Architect C. Emlen Urban
Researched and Compiled by Deb Oesch

Above: Left to right: 323 - 325 North Queen St., 40 East Grant St., 45 - 47 North Duke St., Lancaster.

Please note that further research may reveal additional information about these CEU commissions.

1883 – A. C. Kepler Building/Lancaster Post Office, 42-44 N. Queen St.; burned down Feb 1910
1884 – B. Frank Eshleman Building, 45-47 N. Duke St. (LNP article)
Sep 1884 – new fire engine house, E. King St.
Feb 1885 – G. W. Hull’s Drug Store, 23 W. King St.
Oct 1885 – Jacob Gable’s Building, S. Duke at Mifflin St.

Jul 1887 – Williamson & Foster’s new store-front, E. King St.
Nov 1887 – Columbia Canoe Club, 2-story clubhouse
Jan 1888 – Southern Farmers Market, 100 S. Queen St.
Jan 1888 – Foltz Building, 34-36 E. Chestnut St., 4-story, for J. M. Foltz Estate
Apr 1888 – remodeling of old City Hall, Centre Square

Aug 1888 – Myers & Rathfon Clothing House, new storefront, 12 E. King St.
Feb 1889 – Astrich Bros. store, 115-117 N. Queen St.
Mar 1889 – B. J. McGrann Bldg., Centre Square
May 1889 – Frey & Eckert’s Store, E. King St.
Jun 1889 – Williamson & Foster, store extension, E. King St.

May 1890 – John L. Arnold building, N. Queen St., south of Chestnut St.
May 1890 – John C. Long Drugstore, remodeling of former grocery, NW corner W. Chestnut & Mary Sts.
Jun 1890 – Young People’s Temple at Landisville Camp Meeting Grounds
Jul 1890 – I. Haines Dickinson Store, alterations, Quarryville
Jul 1890 – First National Bank, Mount Joy, newly designed bank furniture (same LNP article as Dickinson Store)

Oct 1890 – Wm. O. Frailey’s Pharmacy, E. King & Shippen Sts, remodeling
Nov 1890 – new Post Office, N. Duke & Marion Sts., as supervising architect (Will A. Freret, architect, changes by James H. Windrim, his successor)
c. 1890 – John A. Coyle, Esq., remodel front of bldg. (Sharp Confectionary) into law office, E. King St.
c. 1890 – W. H. Roland, Esq., new front on bldg., S. Duke St.
c. 1890 – Kirk Johnson & Co., addition to rear


c. 1890 – Dr. Oric Henry Paxson – drug store remodel, Christiana
c. 1890 – Grant Eichholtz, 3 buildingsstore and two residences, S. Lime & Church Sts.
Mar 1891 – West End Street Railway Car Depot & Power Station, N. Prince St.
Jun 1891 – Zahm’s Bldg., 4-story mill, fitting up for stores and offices (Phila. Builders Guide)
Jul 1891 – Philip Lebzelter’s American House (The Old Grape Hotel), 34 N. Queen St., two story addition and improvements:  NOTES:
1. The 1880’s photo shows the Hotel as three stories - this is what it looked like when James H. Warner came to town in 1889 and roomed there. 
2. The 1909 photo shows Urban’s addition - he refaced the original first three floors in Queen Anne to match his addition on the top in 1891! 
3. After the fire in 1897 - they decided to show the original Georgian first three floors

Aug 1891 – S. H. Libhart Drug Co., store, Marietta
Aug 1891 – R. E. Fahnestock’s hotel, Charlie Wagner’s Café, 40 E. Grant St.
Sep 1892 – Northern National Bank, alterations and new front on existing bldg, N. Queen St.
Jul 1893 – Citizens Electric, Light, Heat & Power, Graeff’s Landing (S. Prince St. @ Engleside)
May 1893 – Traction Co., large car barn

Dec 1893 – Friendship Fire Co. #1, Market St., Mount Joy (CEU was paid $68.00.  (Borough Minutes)
Feb 1894 – R.E. Fahnestock store, E. King & Court Sts., remodeling
Jun 1894 – S.R. Moss Cigar building, 6-story, 401 N. Prince @ Lemon Sts. (drawing); rebuilt 1907 after fire
Sep 1894 – interior of Fulton Opera House, enlargement and improvements
Dec 1894 – new Stoner & Arnold Hat Store, renovations to existing building

Feb 1895 – Lancaster Caramel Co., M. S. Hershey, 2 buildings, a store & factory, 804 Penn St., Reading
Mar 1895 – Lancaster Caramel Company for M. S. Hershey, Church & Middle Sts., 5-story, steel frame bldg. (Phila. Builders Guide)
Jan 1896 – Jennie Potts Bldg., 43-47 W. King St.
Oct 1897 – Stehli Silk Mill, Manheim Twp. (LISTED 4/29/2014 on NRHP)
Jan 1898 – new YMCA Bldg., N. Queen & Orange Sts; (cornerstone laid 1900)

1898 – Watt & Shand, 2 E. King St., Centre Square
Mar 1898 – Long & Davidson’s Bldg., 4-stories, 11/13/15/17 W. Chestnut St.
Aug 1898 – County Asylum, new annex to be built between the almshouse and the insane asylum
Mar 1899 – supervising architect of Woolworth Bldg., N. Queen St. (Schickel & Ditmars, NY, architects)
Jul 1899 – Israel H. Doster’s Store, 48-52 E. Main St., Lititz

50 + 3 multiples

Jul 1899 – City Water Dept. storage warehouse behind Central Market, 3-story brick bldg.
1899 – Mrs. John Bachman residence/funeral parlor, 7 S. Decatur St., Strasburg
Jan 1900 – supervising architect of St. Joseph’s Hospital Annex (Roby of Lebanon, architect)
Mar 1900 – new Elks’ Hall, N. Queen & E. Orange Sts.
Mar 1900 – Williamson Store, enlargement

Mar 1900 – Almshouse Grounds' steam power electric light plant and steam heating and ventilating plant for the new insane asylum
Apr 1900 – Roland D. Moore, brick and stone bldg. (Phila. Builders Guide)
Jul 1900 – Gunzenhauser Bakery, 231 W. King St.
Nov 1900 – Asylum annex
1900 – Y.M.C.A, W. Orange & N. Queen Sts.

April 1901 – Armstrong Cork Works, annex, enlarging cork works, 480 New Holland Ave. (Bldg. 8 at Urban Place)
Nov 1901 – M. S. Hershey warehouse, N. Prince & Lemon Sts. – NEVER BUILT
Dec 1901 – Woolworth roof garden
Apr 1902 – Lancaster Cemetery arch
May 1902 – Denver National Bank, three-story bank, Denver, PA

Aug 1902 – Nov 1905 – Lancaster General Hospital, 3 stories, 530-532 N. Lime St. (demolished)
Nov. 1902 – Stehli Silk Mill, new building, 3 stories, Martha Ave.
Aug 1903 – Columbia Fourth Infantry, armory, 221 Walnut St., Columbia (Phila. Builders’ Guide); cornerstone laid Sep 1906
Nov 1903 – Columbia Hospital, new building, stone
Feb 1903 – Ideal Cocoa Co. building, Lititz?

Mar 1903 – Rocky Springs Park, theatre, H. B. Griffiths owner & manager
Apr 1903 – Booth Tobacco Co. improvements, Third & Locust, Columbia
Aug 1903 – 6-story bank, stone & steel, Lancaster
Apr 1904 – Sheet & Metal Supply Co., 4-story manufacturing building (Phila. Builders’ Guide)
Jan 1904 – Columbia Opera House, alterations


Feb 1904 – Woolworth Bldg., fire escapes
Sep 1904 – Woolworth Bldg., alterations to 5th floor
Aug 1904 – John A. Goll building, 3 story, brick
Sep 1904 – Fulton Theatre/Opera House interior remodel, Yecker & Gleim (owners)
Oct 1905 – Stehli Silk Mill, High Point, NC

1905 – Kreider Shoe Factory, Elizabethtown (Aaron Shenk Kreider, Sr., PA State Congressman)
Apr 1906 – Hager & Bros., improvements
Apr 1906 – Federal Cigar Co., improvements, S. Prince & German Sts.
Apr 1906 – J. W. B. Bausman Store & Office, 4 stories, 12-16 W. Orange near Queen St.
May 1906 – Theatre, Connellsville, PA

May 1906 – Watt & Shand/New York Store, addition, Centre Square
Jul 1906 – St. Joseph’s Hospital, improvements, enlargement, alterations
Oct 1906 – W.S. Leinbach Store, 47-49 N. Queen St.
Dec 1906 – Federal Cigar Co., S. Prince St.
Dec 1906 – new Watt & Shand Store, 237-239 Locust St., Columbia, after a fire

May 1907 – Capt. People’s roller-skating rink
Jul 1907 – Follmer Clogg Umbrella factory, annex, W. King & Mulberry Sts.
Sep 1907 – Fulton Market House, 607 N. Plum @ Frederick Sts.
1908 – Fehl Building facelift, N. Duke St.
Feb 1908 – new Elks’ Building in rear of present bldg., N. Duke St.

May 1908 – Millersville Bank
Dec 1908 – No 3 Engine House, alterations
Dec 1908 – Millersville Masonic Hall
Jan 1909 –- new building for Columbia Hospital
Apr 1909 – Conestoga Traction Co., 17 E. Orange St., near N. Queen offices


Jun 1909 – grandstand and entrances at fairgrounds
Aug 1909 – building for the county fair
Mar 19102 new buildings for the Fairgrounds, admin. & main exhibits
May 1910 – Hager Bros. new store, 25 W. King St. (w/Savery, Sheetz & Savery, Phila.); (American Contractor)
Jun 1910 – Woolworth Bldg., enlargement and improvements, 7 story annex

Jul 1910 – Susquehanna Railway & Light Co., E. Orange, near Queen St.
Aug 1910 – Mrs. Brinton’s building, 38 S. Queen, (L W Keplinger & Co.)
Oct 1910 – LGH new women’s wing
Oct 1910 – LGH brick hospital building for contagious diseases
c. 1910 – Mount Joy National Bank, 101 E. Main St., Mt. Joy (Union Nat’l Bank)

Feb 1911 – Guaranty Trust Co., N. Duke & E. Grant Sts.
Mar 1911 – M. T. Garvin & Co., new store, 31 E. King St.
Mar 1911 – Louis Weber & Son, 40-42 N. Queen St. (later altered); (1910 – American Contractor)
May 1911 – Mennonite Childrens’ Home, Millersville
Jun 1911 -- plans for new Lancaster Police Station

Jul 1911 – Reilly Bros. & Raub, hardware store 44-46 N. Queen St.;(1910 - American Contractor)
Aug 1911 – new Kirk Johnson bldg., 16-18 W. King St.
Oct 1911 – new gatehouse at Buchanan Park
Mar 1912 – Darmstaetter’s Photo Plant, S. Lime St.
May 1912 – Theater in Lebanon, Cumberland St.

May 1912 – Stehli & Co. Silk Mill, addition, 219-foot bldg. to the east of first bldg.
Jun 1912 – YMCA, addition
Aug 1912 – Union Trust Co., addition
Sep 1912 – gateway for Fairgrounds
Oct 1912 – Lititz Springs Bank, improvements

125 + 1 multiple

1912 – Lancaster Trust, main banking room, 37-41 N. Market St.; York & Sawyer
1912 – Gunzenhauser Bakery, 811 N. Prince St. (City List)
Mar 1913 – Samler Bldg., renovations and improvements, 8th & Cumberland Sts., Lebanon
May 1913 – Chas. F. Adams, 4-story, brick candy factory, N. Market St. (American Contractor)
Sep 1913 – Jacob G. Shirk & Son Tobacco Co., 4 story bldg., 323-325 N. Queen, which became Keppel’s Wholesale Confectionery in Apr 1916

Oct 1913 – Grand Theater, for William H. Snyder, 1-story, 135-137 N. Queen St.
Nov 1913 – Quarryville National Bank, remodeling
Apr 1914 – Greenwood Cemetery Mausoleum (CEU "local architect")
May 1914 – Woolworth Bldg. enlargement & interior alterations (American Contractor)
Jun 1914 – Elizabethtown Exchange Bank, Elizabethtown, 1-story (American Contractor)

Dec 1914 – Hotel Brunswick (old Caldwell hotel had been demolished), owned by Paul Heine
Bef. 1914 (c. 1910?) – Gap National Bank, Gap
Bef. 1914 – Parkesburg National Bank, Parkesburg
1914 – YMCA, renovations, Martin Auditorium
1914 – General Tire, Inc., service station, W. Orange St. & Marietta Ave. (drawings)

Jul 1915 – Mechanics National Bank, stone and brick, Elizabethtown
Jan 1915 – Hotel Brunswick addition, floor added
Jan 1915 – Woolworth Bldg. offices added
Apr 1915 – Frank McGrann, apt. and store bldg., S. Queen, 3-story (American Contractor)
Jun 1915 – Blair & Witmer, store bldg. alterations, 3-story, 24 W. King St. (American Contractor)

Jul 1915 – W. T. Grant Co., remodel and alterations, 1 story, Albany, NY (American Contractor)
Sep 1915 – U. S. Asbestos Co., factory addition, 1-story, Manheim (American Contractor)
Jan 1916 – Watt & Shand, storefront (American Contractor)
May 1916 – Christian Gunzenhauser, building & wagon shed
Jun 1916 – R. W. Eby, warehouse addition, Paradise, PA (American Contractor)


Jul 1916 – Masonic Homes, Allegheny County Memorial Bldg. 3 buildings., 3-stories, Elizabethtown
Jul 1916 – buildings at Masonic Home, Pittsburgh
1917 – Wm. F. Beyer, apartment bldg. and laundry, 519-523 W. King St., became Pierce Arrow dealership and service station (owner has drawings?)
1917 – Lincoln Highway Garage, 1-story and basement, Columbia, PA
Mar 1917 – Grezinger laundry, 2-story bldg., Masonic Homes, Elizabethtown (American Contractor)

May 1917 – Bearings Co. of America, addition, Manheim Pike (American Contractor)
Mar 1917 – Stehli Silk mill, Mill No. 5, 3-story addition & basement (American Contractor)
May 1917 – Sinclair Silk Mill, Bldg. #1, 2-story, brick, S. West Ave. for Wm. Wall Chace of NY (leased to Schutte Body Co. in 1920)
Mar 1917 – Demuth Tobacco Shop, 114-116 E. King St., storefront & remodel (American Contractor)
May 1918 – Harry Harold, store alterations, new front, 1-story, 129 N. Queen St.

Jul 1918 – J. L. L. Kuhn & Co., store alterations, Harrisburg (PBG)
Mar 1918 – Julius Schaefer (Trenton, NJ), 12 W. King St., interior alterations, and exterior new front (American Contractor)
Sep 1918 replica of Old Courthouse “Liberty House”
– Lancaster Storage garages, rear 342 N. Queen St. (To Build Strong & Substantial)
May 1919 – M. T. Garvin, store addition, 1-story (Phila. Builders Guide)

Oct 1919 – Wm. Bidlack, garage, 2-story, brick
Nov 1919 – John Stauffer, storage warehouse, N. Queen St.
Mar 1919 – Liberty Can & Sign Company, 118 N. Water St. between Orange & Chestnut Sts.; alts. & rear addition; 4th floor added to existing 3-story bldg. (1921 American Contractor)
Aug 1919 – George E. Witmer store, int. alt. and add, 4-6 W. King (American Contractor)
Aug 1919 – St. Joseph’s Hospital, 4-story extension, 1-story laundry (American Contractor)

Nov 1919 – Christian Gunzenhauser, apartment and garage
Nov 1919 – Lancaster Storage Co., 1-story addition, 234 N. Queen St. (American Contractor)
Jan 1920 – Ephrata House Hotel – major improvements
Jan 1920 – Hubley Mfg. Co., factory addition (American Contractor) (Phila. Builders Guide)
Feb 1920 – John Eshleman & Son, (2) office bldg. & warehouse, 244 N. Queen (American Contractor)

175 + 1 multiple

Feb 1920 – St. Joseph’s Hospital, power house, 1-story (Phila. Builders Guide)
Feb 1920 – Lewis Gauss, store, 4-stories, S. Queen St. (Phila. Builders Guide)
Apr 1920 – Candy factory, S. Lime & Chester Sts., c/o W. C. Bidlack (American Contractor)
May 1920 – Wheatland Auto Co., 4-story, garage, 28-32 E. Chestnut @ Christian Sts. (American Contractor)
Jun 1920 – Charles F. Stauffer warehouse, 1-story, brick, N. Prince St. (American Contractor)

Jul 1920 – Christian Gunzenhauser, stable addition
Oct 1920 – John Christopoulous & Bros. store, alts. & addition, Chester, PA (American Contractor)
Jan 1921 – St. Joseph’s Hospital, three-story addition (American Contractor)
Feb 1921 – Hotel Brunswick enlargement
Oct 1921 – Sayres, Schied & Sweeton Store, 28-30 E. King St., new storefront and interiors (1918 American Contractor)

Oct 1921 – Woolworth Bldg. renovations (American Contractor)
Dec 1921 – Louis Samler/Samuels store, alterations, Cumberland St., Lebanon (American Contractor)
Jan 1922 – Horn the Taylor’s shop, 159 N. Queen St., remodeling
Jan 1922 – Kirk Johnson store, interior alterations and addition, 16 W. King St. (American Contractor)
Feb 1922 – Keystone Furniture Co., 4 W. King St. (became Harold’s c. 1950) (1921 American Contractor)

Aug 1922 – Lititz Springs National Bank, 2-story, Lititz Square (1917 American Contractor)
Jul 1922 – Palmyra National Bank, 3-story, brick, and stone (American Contractor)
Aug 1922 – Valley View Bank, 1-story, Schuylkill Co. (American Contractor)
Jan 1923 – YMCA new gymnasium
Jan 1923 – J. D. Wood & Co. Store, N. Queen & Orange Sts.

May 1923 – Watt & Shand, garage & mfg. building, Christian St
Jun 1923 – Block Bros. warehouse, 4-stories, rear 419 N. Prince (Phila. Builders Guide)
Aug 1923 – W.A.W. Shoe Co., 4-stories, Elizabethtown (Phila. Builders Guide)
Jan 1924 – Conestoga Traction Co., Griest Bldg., 14 stories, Penn Square (1922 American Contractor)
Feb 1924 – Watt & Shand, 4-story annex


1924 – new Loyal Order of the Moose No. 596 & Theatre, Stores, Apts., 3-story, 18 N. Market St., Elizabethtown (completed 1928); (American Contractor)
1925 – remodel of Blair & Witmer Store, 25 E. King, to Harold’s Furniture Co.???
Feb 1925 – Stehli Silk Mill, addition, 3-stories, Harrisonburg, VA (orig. 1920 -- Stehli Silk Mill?) (Phila. Builders Guide)
Apr 1925 – Stehli Silk Corp. annex
May 1925 – Hotel Brunswick additions (entire building razed in 1967)

Jun 1925 – Lancaster County Courthouse renovations, E. King & N. Duke Sts., 2-story (wings added); (1922 American Contractor)
Jul 1925 – Ephrata National Bank, 31 E. Main St. (begun in 1922; American Contractor)
Jan 1925 / Mar 1927 – Watt & Shand, alterations & additions to store bldg.
Feb 1926 – Williamson Park gateway
Jun 1926 – YMCA addition, 4-stories (Phila. Builders Guide)

1926 – Keystone Furniture Store – enlargement
Jun 1927 – Lanc. Co. Courthouse alterations and additions (sketch) (Phila. Builders Guide)
Oct 1927 – State Armory for Lancaster (jointly with Philip H. Johnson, Phila.)
Aug 1927 – Kirk Johnson’s apartment bldg./store/garage, NE corner S. Duke & E. Vine (PB&A)
Mar 1928 – Lancaster Trust Bank Bldg. additions and alterations (Phila. Builders Guide)

Apr 1928 – St. Joseph’s Hospital alterations (Phila. Builders Guide)
Oct 1928 – Medical Arts Office Bldg., 3-stories, Lancaster, for Investment Management, Inc. (Phila. Builders Guide)
Oct 1929 – Lancaster Storage Co., 6-story warehouse
Nov 1929 – General Tire Service station, W. Orange & Marietta Ave. (drawings on linen) (Phila. Builders Guide)
Jan 1929 – Stevens House annex & alterations

Jul 1929 – YMCA Camp Shand club house
Mar 1930 – Court Room #3, Orphans’ Court, renovations, electric light fixtures
May 1931 – Lancaster City Hall, 120 N. Duke St., renovations of former Post Office
Jan 1932 – Old City Hall, renovation, alterations to stores
Jul 1932 – Masonic Hall and Old City Hall enlargements, W. King St.


Sep 1933 – Masonic Temple, 3-stories, Ephrata
Sep 1933 – Eva W. Brown, taproom, alterations, store front addition, Penn Square
1934 – Telephone Building, 123 N. Market St., Elizabethtown
Jun 1934 – Lancaster County Insane Hospital, fire tower and fire escape (Phila. Builders Guide)
Aug 1934 – 18 E. King St., alterations

1933 & 1935(2 projects) Fulton National Bank, alterations, Penn Square, Lancaster
Jul 1935 – Public garage, 1-story, Lititz
Feb 1937 – Marshall E. Smith Co., factory, W. King St.
Feb 1937 – Standard Furniture Co., store alterations, 12 W. King St.
Jun 1937 – Courthouse and annex (Guaranty Trust Building) exterior

Aug 1937 – Kay Jewelry Co., store alterations, 10 N. Queen St.
Jan 1938 – Long Asylum, elevator shaft, Marietta Ave. & West End Ave. (Phila. Builders Guide)
Oct 1938 – St. Joseph’s Hospital, new ambulance entrance
Feb 1939 – St. Joseph’s Hospital, hospital entrance, alterations and additions

239 + 1 multiple

TOTAL:  239 + 6 multiples = 245
Total Business/Civic Projects:  245
Total Business/Civic Projects in Hershey, PA:  14

1920 – original Stehli Silk Mill at Harrisonburg, VA
– Stehli Silk Mill at Waynesboro, VA;
1927 – Stehli Silk Mill at Waynesboro, VA., enlarged
TOTAL: 3 projects

Researched and compiled by Deb Oesch
UPDATED:  31 Jan 2024

Above: 480 New Holland Ave, Lancaster