Caernarvon Presbyterian Church
Churchtown, Lancaster County, PA
Built in 1843

Above: The former Caernarvon Presbyterian Church in Churchtown. 2148 Main St, Narvon, PA. Today it is home of the Caernarvon Historical Society.

 Description in Our Present Past (1985)
By the Historic Preservation Trust of Lancaster County:

 “Caernarvon Presbyterian Church, (Caernarvon Historical Society), Route 23, south side, east of Bootjack Road, 1843; one and one-half story, two bay brownstone church (historical society); combines Federal, Classical Revival styles; gable fanlight window; cemetery; 1843 datestone; funded by Jenkins family, Our Present Past, page 50, Historic Preservation Trust of Lancaster County.

Above: Markers for the National Register and for the Historic Preservation Trust of Lancaster County.

Above: Today the former church building is home to the Caernarvon Historical Society.

 Triassic Sandstone of Northern Lancaster County:

Above map detail: Geologic Map of Pennsylvania, by Berg, Edmonds, Geyer, etc., 1980. (Church icon added)

 “The Triassic beds include brown, red, pink, gray, and greenish sandstone, and conglomerate with white quartz pebbles up to one inch in diameter. In some places these must occur close together for in Churchtown the Caernarvon Academy (1854) contains all of these. Perhaps the material was float or field stone and was not quarried. [This academy was demolished.]
The modern Methodist Episcopal Church in Churchtown
[today’s United Methodist Church near this Bangor Episcopal Church] is all one tone brownstone in squared blocks… Perhaps this stone came from the red beds just north of the village.”
Quote: Building Stones of Pennsylvania, Ralph W. Stone, 1932, page 186.

 Historic Stone Buildings of Churchtown
A Sample:

Above: A sampling of historic stone buildings of Churchtown, PA.
#1. Davies House, #2. Evans House #3. Windsor Forge #4. Poole Forge #5. Poole Forge #6. Washington Inn