Columbia Presbyterian Church
Columbia, Lancaster County, PA
Built 1888 -1890

Columbia Presbyterian Church, 360 Locust St., Columbia, PA 17512

 The Building Stone:
Limestone, Granite gneiss, and Sandstone:

Above: The church dedication. Image source: LNP Archives

 Above: The building stone:
1. The Walls: “Blue” limestone from the Kauffman quarry near Columbia. This quarry had been owned by PA Senator Christian Shuman Kauffman of Columbia. He also was president of the Columbia and Port Deposit Railroad which transported the Port Deposit granite to this site. He was a lifelong Presbyterian.
2. The Trim: This Amherst Stone is Ohio sandstone quarried near Cleveland. It is also known as Berea stone.
3. Door Steps and Water Table: Port Deposit Granite is a granite gneiss from Port Deposit, Maryland.

Above: Datestone carved in Amherst Stone from Ohio. 1812 (the first building) 1888 (this current building)

Above: The walls are of local limestone from the former Kauffman’s Quarry at Columbia. The water table is of granite from Port Deposit, Maryland.

 The Church on a Geology Map
Conestoga-Formation Limestone:

The Kauffman Limestone Quarry:

Above: Image source: Bridgens’ Atlas of Lancaster Co., 1864.

   History in Churches and Cemeteries
of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania

Columbia Presbyterian Church
1803 - Preaching began in Methodist meetinghouse.
1807 - Congregation organized.
1811 - Land deeded.
1812 - First church built at present location.
1889 / 90 - Present church built.
Source: Churches and Cemeteries of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, A. Hunter Rineer, 1993, page 68. LancasterHistory