Drumore Friends Meetinghouse (Quaker)
Drumore, Lancaster County, PA
Built in 1816

Drumore Friends Meetinghouse. 1504 Susquehannock Drive, Drumore, PA 17518. The stone is covered with stucco and whitewash.

Above: The east facade is covered with German siding.

   History in Churches and Cemeteries
of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania

Drumore Friends Meetinghouse
1810 - 1818 Meeting organized as Drumore Indulged Meeting. Land deeded and a meetinghouse was built. Previously meetings were held in a schoolhouse one mile to the west.
1818 - 1936 - Drumore Preparative Meeting
1827 - Meeting aligned itself with the Hicksites during the Separation of 1827. There was no Orthodox group in this meeting.
1936 - Meeting laid down. Cemetery and meetinghouse deeded to Drumore Cemetery Association.
Source: Churches and Cemeteries of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, A. Hunter Rineer, 1993, page 382. LancasterHistory

 Local Bedrock and Building Stone
Schist and Peach Bottom Slate:

 Above: Geologic Map of Pennsylvania, by Berg, Edmonds, Geyer, etc., 1980. (Meetinghouse icon added) PaGEODE explains this bedrock and building stone further: “The Octoraro Formation is a phyllite that contains some schist, hornblende gneiss, and granitized members. It has quartz-albite-muscovite-chlorite assemblages. Its thickness is unknown (Berg and others, 1980; Kauffman, 1999)”

 Description in Our Present Past (1985)
By the Historic Preservation Trust of Lancaster County:

 “Drumore Friends Meeting House, Susquehannock Drive, northwest corner at Furniss Road, 1816, one story, three bay whitewashed and stuccoed stone meetinghouse (vacant); central entry on side; paneled double doors and shutters; built by Hicksite Quakers, on land donated by Jacob Shoemaker; nearby graveyard has section reserved for blacks,” Our Present Past, page 102, Historic Preservation Trust of Lancaster County.”

Above: Image source: Friends Meeting Houses, T. C. Matlack, ca. 1934, TriCollege Libraries