First Reformed UCC Church, Lancaster
A Masterpiece of Colonial Pennsylvania Blacksmithing
By Locksmith Peter Kieffer in 1756:
Locksmith Peter Kieffer secured his place in local history when he created this remarkable door lock for Lancaster’s Reformed Church. He crafted the lock for the front door of the stone church which was being constructed that year. When that stone church was replaced by today’s brick church, the congregation moved this lock to a new front door at the west entrance. The lock is edged with bronze which has oxidized over time to black.
Text Engraved on the Lock
And its English Translation:
Above: Most of the lock’s engraved text apparently is unique to this lock. It is not standardized liturgical text. The last sentence, however, is a verse from the New Testament: Matthew 9:13. Text image source: Buck County Historical Society Papers, Stoudt, 1932.
A Second Lock from the Stone Church:
The stone church had a second lock. This one was on its back door. It is less ornate than the front-door lock. Both locks were moved to today’s church building. This one is on the front door at the east entrance. Apparently Peter Kieffer made this lock also, but he did not sign it.
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