The Keiper Liberal Arts Building
and the Green Room Theatre

Above: The Green Room Theatre
East Elevation of the Keiper Liberal Arts Building

Above: West Elevation of the Keiper Liberal Arts Building

Keiper Liberal Arts Building / Green Room Theatre
Franklin & Marshall College

Blue doors open into the Green Room Theatre at F&M College. This small theatre is on the lower level of the Keiper Liberal Arts Building. The building was completed in 1937 in a Georgian Colonial Revival style.
The architect was William Harold Lee of Philadelphia. The contractor was David S. Warfel. Lee and Warfel also built the Shadek-Fackental Library this same time.
Mrs. Caroline S. Keiper funded the building’s construction in memory of her husband Lanius B. Keiper, vice president of the Champion Blower and Forge Company which produced blacksmithing equipment. He was a college trustee. Mrs. Keiper was a member of the Lancaster General Hospital auxillary and of the First Reformed Church.
This side elevation features paired pilasters supporting a segmental-arch pediment, an entry with fanlight and sidelights, an oculus window, and Flemish-bond brickwork. White Amelanchier blooms here each spring.
530 College Ave. (Building #10A) Lancaster, Pennsylvania

Above: West entry of the Keiper Building
Tree: Washington Hawthorn (Crataegus phaenopyrum)