Latta Memorial Presbyterian Church
Christiana, Lancaster County, PA
Built in 1902

Above: Latta Memorial Presbyterian Church, 23 Green St, Christiana, PA 17509. It is constructed with local limestone of the Conestoga Formation.

 Founded by Rev. James Latta, 3rd
A Prominent Scots-Irish Family:

  This church was founded by Rev. James Latta, 3rd, (1789 - 1862). He previously pastored Presbyterian churches in Parkesburg and Atglen, PA. In 1857 he requested the Presbytery of Donegal to build a chapel here, which was completed the next year. Today’s church building was constructed in 1902.
This Rev. James Latta, 3rd, was the son of Rev. James Latta, Jr. and Mary (McCalla) Latta. Rev. Latta, Jr. was born in County Donegal, Ireland, of Scots-Irish parents. He emigrated to America in his youth, and received his doctorate from the University of Pennsylvania. Rev. Latta, Jr. pastored at Chestnut Level, Lancaster County, for many years. He was the third moderator of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in America.

 A Distinctive Bell-Cast Spire:

Above: A flared, bell-cast spire surmounts the steeple.

Above: Image source: LNP Archives.

 The Building Stone:
Conestoga-Formation Limestone:

Above: Image source: PaGEODE

The bedrock beneath much of the Christiana area is felsic gneiss, as shown on the map. This gneiss is also known as Mine Ridge Gneiss.
Some churches in this area are constructed of gneiss. Latta Presbyterian Church is limestone. Limestone is found south of Christiana, where Conestoga-Formation limestone underlies the fertile Chester Valley, from Quarryville east through Chester County.
Mineral-rich limestone of the Conestoga Formation is Lancaster County’s signature limestone. It is a primary foundation of our fertile soils.

Above: The rock-faced limestone is laid in random-rubble courses, with a rustic design.

   History in Churches and Cemeteries
of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania

Latta Memorial Presbyterian Church
1857 - Mission organized by Rev. James Latta, 3rd.
1858 - First chapel built.
1873 - Formal organization and separation from Penningtonville Church.
1902 - Present church built.
1915 - Name “Latta Memorial” adopted.
Source: Churches and Cemeteries of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, A. Hunter Rineer, 1993, page 57, LancasterHistory

Above: “Presbyterian Church” The limestone is pointed with ribbon joints.

 Description in Our Present Past (1985)
By the Historic Preservation Trust of Lancaster County:

 “Latta Presbyterian Church, Green Street, south of Maple Street; 1902; one and one-half story, four bay stone church in Second Gothic Revival style; tent roofs; bell tower with arched stained-glass windows; congregation originated 1857, led by Rev. James Latta; present church named for this early leader.” Our Present Past, page 56, Historic Preservation Trust, 1985.