The Martin Brothers
Benefactors of St. John Lutheran Church in Lancaster
Image above: St. John Lutheran Church
Above: The Martin memorial window, and the church building today.
223 West Orange St. Lancaster, PA
Newspaper image: LNP Newspaper Archive
Image source: LancasterHistory
Above: This is St. John’s first church building on this site. It was built in 1853 and was replaced in the 1890s by the church building which survives today. Barton Martin knew this first building, but not today’s building. He passed away in 1890, while today’s churchbuilding was being constructed.
Today’s church building was designed by architect James H. Warner, who also designed Millersville University’s library and Lancaster’s Central Market.
Jonas Martin was active in the congregation until 1921, and served on the church council.
1890: The Martin Brothers and the Church Building Committee:
Newspaper image: LNP Newspaper Archive
Portrait of Barton B. Martin
Image source: History of Lancaster County, Ellis and Evans, 1883.
Above: Barton B. Martin’s Obituary Details.
Newspaper image: LNP Newspaper Archive