Published Writings of Henry C. Mercer
An Abbreviated List:
Above: Two portraits of Henry Mercer. Images source: Bucks County Historical Society
Above: Details of publications by Henry Mercer
Books by Henry Chapman Mercer:
1. The Lenape Stone; or, the Indian and the Mammoth, 1885
2. The Hill Caves of the Yucatan, A Search for Evidence of Man’s Antiquity…, 1896
3. Guidebook to the Tiled Pavement in the Capitol of Pennsylvania, 1908
4. The Bible in Iron; or, the Pictured Stoves and Stoveplates of the Pennsylania Germans, 1914
5. November Night Tales, A book of short stories, 1928
6. Ancient Carpenters’ Tools, 1929
Papers Read to the Bucks County Historical Society by Henry Chapman Mercer:
1. “The Doanes Before the Revolution,” 1885
2. “Notes taken at Random: The Sunbonnet, Indians Mining Lead, The Grasshopper War, A Lost Bounday,” 1893
3. “The Red Man’s Bucks County,” 1895
4. “Tools of the Nationmaker,” 1897
5. “Brief History Talks: Cave Explorations; The Lenape Stone,” 1907
6. “Bucks County Historical Society: Its Aims and Purposes,” 1908
7. “Memorial Tribute to General W. W. H. Davis,” 1911
8. “Pottery of the Pennsylvania Germans,” 1911
9. “Open Fire Cooking in Bucks County,” 1912
10. “The Common Tinder-Box of Colonial Days,” 1912
11. “John Chapman: First Settler of Wrighstown,” 1913
12. “Notes on the Moravian Pottery of Doylestown,” 1914
13. “Two Stove Plates Described,” 1915
14. “Remarks on the Christmas Tree,” 1915
15. “Colonial Seals of Bucks County,” 1915
16. “The Bowie and Other Knives,” 1916
17. “Survival of Ancient Hand Corn Mills in the United States,” 1917
18. “Turnpike Roads in Bucks County,” 1917
19. “Notes on Basket Making,” 1919
20. “The Zithers of the Pennsylvania Germans,” 1923
21. “Notes on Forgotten Trades…” 1920
22. “An Ancient Indian Tobacco Pipe from Bucks County,” 1920
23. “Wafer Irons,” 1920
24. “Ancient Methods of Threshing in Bucks County,” 1921
25. “A Lost Stoveplate Inscription,” 1922
26. “An Attempt to Find the Site of the Indian Town of Playwicky,” 1923
27. “The Dating of Old Houses,” 1923
28. “The Origin of Log Houses in the United States,” 1924
29. “Reflections of Tennent School,” 1924
Magazine / Journal Articles, Reviews, Notes by Henry Chapman Mercer:
1. “The Grave of Tamenend,” Magazine of American History, 1893
2. “Prehistoric Jasper Quarries in the Lehigh Hills,” The Archaeologist, 1892
3. “Pebbles Chipped by Modern Indians as an Aid to the Study of the Trenton Gravel Implements,” The Archaeologist, 1893
4. “Notes taken in December, 1892, and March, 1893, at the Quaternary Gravel Pits of Abbeville, St. Acheuil and Chelles,” The Archaeologist, 1893
5. “Discoveries of Ancient Argillite Quarries on the Delaware,” The Archaeologist, 1893
6. “Notes on Exploration of Aboriginal Jasper Quarries in the Lehigh Hills in 1891-92,” Popular Science Monthly, 1893
7. “Explorations in the Delaware Valley,” American Naturalist, 1893
8. “The Result of Excavations at the Ancient Argillite Quarries Recently Discovered Near the Delaware River on Gaddis Run,” Proceedings, American Association for the Advancement of Sciences, 1893
10. “Indian Jasper Mines in the Lehigh Hills,” American Anthropologist, 1894
9. “Another Ancient Source of Jasper Blade Material East of the Middle Alleghenies,” Proceedings, American Association for the Advancement of Sciences, 1893
11. “The Plateau Implements of Southern England,” American Naturalist, 1894
12. “Quaternary Gravel Specimens in Spain,” American Naturalist, 1894
13. “The Non-existence of Paleolithic Culture…” American Naturalist, 1894
14. “Progress of Field Work of the Department of American and Prehistoric Archaeology of the University of Pennsylvania,” American Naturalist, 1894
15. “The Trenton Gravel Discussion,” American Naturalist, 1894
16. “Ancient American Bread,” The Archaeologist, 1894
17. Review of “Professor W. Boyd Dawkins on Paleolithic Man in Europe,” Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, American Naturalist, 1894
18. “Cave Exploration in the Eastern United States,” Bulletin, University of Pennsylvania, 1894
19. “Pitted Hammer-Stones,” The Archaeologist, 1894
20. “The Making of New Jersey Coast Shell Heaps in 1780,” American Naturalist, 1894
21. “The Hemenway Collections,” American Naturalist, 1894
22. Review: “Gailenreuth Cave in 1894, American Naturalist, 1894
23. “Indian Corn in Italy, American Naturalist, 1894
24. “Note” on Franz Adami’s “The Age of Certain Stalactites,” American Naturalist, 1894
25. “Indians Mining Lead,” American Naturalist, 1894
26. “Re-Exploration of Hartman’s Cave, near Stroudsburg, Pennsylvania, in 1893” Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 1894
27. “The Discovery of an Artificially Flaked Flint Specimen in the Quaternary Gravels of San Isidro, Spain,” Memoirs of the International Congress of Anthropology, 1894
28. Review: Clarence B. Moore’s “Certain Sand Mounds of the St. John’s River, Florida,” American Naturalist, 1895
29. “Introduction” to Johannes Ranke “The Results of Cave Exploration in Germany,” American Naturalist, 1895
30. “Antiquity of Man at Petit Anse (Avery’s Island), Louisiana, American Naturalist, 1895
31. “Notes on Yucatan,” American Naturalist, 1895
32. “The Potter’s Wheel in Yucatan,” American Naturalist, 1895
33. “Surprising Discovery of Ancient Rope and Netting in Southwestern Florida, American Naturalist, 1895
34. “Notes Taken upon an Exploration of the Lehigh and Susquehanna Valleys…” American Naturalist, 1895
35. “Sandals in Yucatan,” American Naturalist, 1895
36. “Strange Hints for Anthropology,” American Naturalist, 1895
37. “A Preliminary Account of the Re-exploration in 1894 and 1895 of the ‘Bone Hill’”… Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 1895
38. “Jasper and Stalagmite Quarried by Indians in the Wyandotte Cave,” Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 1895
39. “Chipped Stone Implements in the Columbian Historical Exposition at Madrid,” Report of the Madrid Commission, 1895
40. Review: “Discoveries at Caddington, England, by Mr. Worthington G. Smith,” American Naturalist, 1895
41. “On the Track of ‘The Arkansas Traveler,’” Century Magazine, 1896
42. “Indian Habitation in the Eastern United States,” American Naturalist, 1896
43. “Professor Holmes’ Studies of Aboriginal Architecture in Yucatan,” American Naturalist, 1896
44. “Exploration by the University of Pennsylvania in Western Florida,” American Naturalist, 1896
45. “Cave Exploration in the Eastern United States,” Scientific American, 1896
46. “Chipped Flint Blades from Somali Land,” American Naturalist, 1896
47. “The Findings of the Remains of the Fossil Sloth at Big Bone Cave, Tennessee, in 1896,” Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 1897
48. “A Grooved Stone Axe from the Ohio Drift,” American Naturalist, 1897
49. “Exploration of Captain Theobert Maler in Yucatan,” American Naturalist, 1897
50. “Cave Hunting in Syria,” American Naturalist, 1897
51. “Recent Pile Structures made by Seminole Indians in East Florida,” American Naturalist, 1897
52. “The Grooved Stone Axe in South America,” American Naturalist, 1897
53. “A New Investigation of Man’s Antiquity in Trenton,” Proceedings of the American Association for the American Advancement of Science, 1897
54. “Survival of the Art of Illuminative Manuscripts of the Pennsylvania Germans,” Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society, 1897
55. “The Decorated Stove Plates of Durham,” BCHS Contributions to American History, 1897
56. “Distribution of Indian Tribes in Central Pennsylvania in Prehistoric Times,” The Antiquarian, 1897
57. “The Cultural Status of Certain North American Aborigines at the Time of Columbus,” The Antiquarian, 1897
58. “On the Counterfeiting of Indian Relics,” American Archaeologist, 1898
59. “Light and Fire Making of the American Pioneer,” BCHS Contributions to American History, 1898
60. “Decorated Stoveplates of Durham,” BCHS Contributions to American History, 1898
61. “The Bone Cave at Port Kennedy, Pennsylvania…” Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 1899
62. “The Decorated Stove Plates of the Pennsylvania Germans,” BCHS Contributions to American History, 1899
63. “The Pottery of the Pennsylvania Germans,” Pennsylvania German, 1901
64. “The Tiled Pavement in the Capitol of Pennsylvania,” Western Architect, 1907
65. “The Immediate Causes of War,” The Nation, 1916
66. “The Dating of Old Houses,” BCHS Contributions to American History, 1923
Newspaper Articles by Henry Chapman Mercer:
1. “A Journey in a Wagon from Doylestown to Williamsburg in Virginia,” 1888
2. “A Shaft which Commemorated the Famous Indian Walk and the Lenni Lenape Indians,” ca. 1890
3. “Prehistoric Jasper Quarries in the Lehigh Hills,” 1892
4. “Discoveries of Ancient Argillite Quarries on the Delaware,” 1893
5. “Ancient Quarries in Bucks County,” 1893
6. “An Ancient Argillite Quarry and Indian Village Site on the Delaware,” 1897
7. “Ancient American Bread, Indians Baking Ash Bread…” 1894
8. “Preserve them for Bucks County Historical Society,” 1897
9. “Pioneer Tools: Fresh Studies of the Implements of the Nationmaker,” ca. 1899
10. “Copying Bucks County,” 1898
11. “Durham Stove Plates,” 1898
12. “Prehistoric Pottery Glaze,” 1914
13. “The Trees of Doylestown,” 1918
Newspaper Letters to the Editor by Henry Chapman Mercer:
1. “The Moses Doan Monument,” 1888
2. “An Exploring Party at Point Pleasant,” 1890
3. “Marshall’s Walk,” 1890
4. “The Inscription is Right,” 1891
5. “Caves in Buckingham,” 1892
6. “Recollections of Tennent School,” 1892
7. “How to Pronounce ‘Lenape,’” 1892
8. “The Monument at Washington’s Crossing,” 1893
9. “The Origins of Hardiaken, a Stream in Bucks County,” 1915
Other Publications by Henry Chapman Mercer:
1. “Pebbles Chipped by Modern Indians as an Aid to the Study of the Trenton Gravel Implements,” Proceedings, American Association for the Advancement of Sciences, 1892
2. “Progress of Field Work,” Department of Archaeology and Paleontology of the University of Pennsylvania, Broadside, 1893.
3. “Trenton and Somme Gravel Specimens Compared with Ancient Quarry Refuse in America and Europe,” 1897
4. “Tools of the Nation Maker,” Exhibition Catalog, 1897
5. “Thoughts on the European War of 1914,” 1914
6. “Made in Germany,” 1914
7. “The Building of Fonthill in Doylestown…” 1930
For a complete Mercer bibliography see:
Henry Chapman Mercer and the Moravian Pottery and Tile Works, by Cleota Reed, 1987, University of Pennsylvania Press, Philadelphia.
Complete text of that book is available online at Internet Archive.