An 1866 Painting by Peter F. Rothermel
At First Reformed Church, Lancaster
Above Portrait of Artist Peter F. Rothermel
Image source: Smithsonian Libraries
Peter F. Rothermel of Pennsylvania
Was One of the Best-Know History Painters in America:
In the late 1800s Peter Rothermel was one of America’s best-known history painters. He was a preeminent artist in Philadelphia, where was a director and instructor at the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts. The Academy continues today as Philly’s prestigious art school and museum.
Rothermel in the 1880s: “No Philadelphia artist is more widely known than Peter F. Rothermel.” Quote by J. Thomas Scharf and Thompson Westcott in 1884.
Rothermel’s Preliminary Sketch for this Painting of St. Paul
In the collection of Philadelphia’s Fine Arts Academy
Where Rothemel was a Director and Instructor:
Above: A ca. 1866 graphite-and-watercolor sketch by Rothermel as a preliminary study for his painting of St. Paul. Image source: PAFA
Above: Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts in Philadelphia. Image source: Wikipedia
The Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts in Philadelphia
Where Rothermel was Instructor and a Director:
Above: The Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts. The building is an architectural landmark by Architect Frank Furness who also designed two townhouses in Lancaster.
Image source: Library of Congress
Peter F. Rothermel
An American Master of History Painting:
Above: Christopher Columbus and Spain’s Queen Isabella. Rothermel’s 1841 painting Columbus before the Queen, Image source: Smithsonian
Above: Patrick Henry in Virginia. Rothermel’s 1851 painting Patrick Henry before the Virginia House of Burgesses, Image source: Wikimedia Commons
Rothermel’s Masterpiece:
His Monumental Painting of the Battle of Gettysburg
At the State Museum in Harrisburg:
This is Rothermel’s largest and most ambitious painting. It depicts Pickett’s Charge during the Battle of Gettysburg. The painting measures 32 by 16 feet. Rothermel completed it in 1870, after four years’ work. In this Harrisburg gallery the huge painting is flanked by four smaller Gettysburg Battle scenes he painted for the same commission from the Pennsylvania legislature.
In the 1870s the painting toured the U. S. It survived the Great Fire of Chicago in 1871. Five years later it was exhibited at the Centennial Exhibition in Philadelphia, where Rothermel served on the art advisory committee.
The painting is the largest battle scene on a single canvas in North America. Image source: PA State Museum
A 1995 Exhibition of Rothermel’s Paintings
At the Brandywine River Museum in Chadds Ford, PA:
Above: Brandywine River Museum. Image source: Wikipedia
Above: Exhibit catalog for the Rothermel exhibit. Image source: Biblio
Throughout the late 1800s Rothermel was one of the best known history painters in America. But Impressionism and Modernism began to command the spotlight in art galleries and the press. Grand-manner history paintings like Rothermel’s were overshadowed by new ideas from younger artists.
This 1995 exhibition at Brandywine River Museum helped renew interest in this talented Pennsylvania artist. The exhibit was a powerful reminder of the important contributions of Peter F. Rothmel to the history of art in America.
The Catalog for the Rothermel Exhibition
at Brandywine River Museum:
Above: Peter Rothermel Image source: Smithsonian Libraries.
Above: 1995 Rothermel exhibit catalog cover. Image source: Brandywine River Museum
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