The Mercer Tiles in St. James Episcopal Church, Lancaster
Installed in 1916:
Above: Henry Mercer’s sculptural tiles surrounding the altar in St. James Episcopal Church
Above and below: Saint James Chancel Tiles brochure by St. James Episcopal Church
Above, vertical panel, from top: #6. Wedding at Cana, Changing of Water to Wine; #5. Love Bettereth, Mote and Beam; #4. Elijah and the Ravens, #3. Absalom Caught by Hair in a Tree.
Above, horizontal panel (not numbered in pamphlet): David and Jonathan, Miracle of the Widow’s Oil.
These Mercer tiles described in a 1916 Lancaster newspaper:
Above: #21. Garden of Eden
Two years earlier in Philly, 1914:
Mercer installed his tiles in the Episcopal Church on Rittenhouse Square:
Above: Church of the Holy Trinity. Episcopal Church on Rittenhouse Square, Philadelphia
In 1914 this Episcopal congregation on Philadelphia’s Rittenhouse Square installed Mercer tiles in the sanctuary’s aisles and the altar area. The project included more than 10,250 four-inch tiles, which Mercer called his “English Quarry” tiles.
At the altar area are four mosaics depicting the four evangelists, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. In 1939 additional pavement tiles were installed for repairs.
Above: Saint John the Evangelist / St. Johanni, with his symbol, an eagle.
Above: Left to right: Saint Matthew / St. Mathevs (with his angel symbol), Saint Mark / St. Marcvs (with his lion symbol), Saint Luke / St. Lvcas (with his ox symbol)