Holy Trinity Catholic Church
Columbia, Lancaster County, PA
By Architect Paul Monaghan
Built 1926 - 1929

Holy Trinity Catholic Church, 409 Cherry St, Columbia, Pennsylvania 17512.

 Above: Philadelphia architect Paul Monaghan designed the church in a Gothic Revival style with Art Deco influences. The building contractors were Hess Brothers of York. Architect Monaghan previously designed the church’s school and hall, in 1914. The school building’s contractor was D. F. Warfel from Lancaster.

 The Building Stone:
Mount Airy Granite from North Carolina
With Indiana Limestone Trim:

Above: The front portal features carved Indiana limestone, set in walls of Mount Airy granite from North Carolina.

Above: The portal reveals some of Lancaster County’s finest architectural carving of Indiana limestone. The inscription reads, Deum Verum Unum in Trinitate et Trinitatem in Unitate Veníte Adoremus. (True God, One in Trinity, and Trinity in Unity, O come, let us worship.)

Latin Inscription over the Door
It’s a Gregorian Chant Intro:

Above: The inscription over the door is from a medieval Gregorian chant titled “Invitatorium: Deum Verum” (Invitation: True God.) The author of this plainsong is Etienne de Liege (ca. 850 – 920). He was a bishop of Liege, Belgium. Image source: Psallentes

 Window Tracery of Indiana Limestone:

Above: Beautifully carved window tracery of Indiana limestone, set in Gothic Revival arches of Mount Airy granite from North Carolina.

Above: Image source: LNP Archives

Above: Front facade detail: Mount Airy granite with Indiana limestone trim.

 Mount Airy, North Carolina
Famous for Granite and for Andy Griffith:

Above: This article is online at OurState.com. Trinity Church’s granite originally would have been white / light gray, as in this photo, before darkening somewhat with age.

 Other Buildings of Mount Airy Granite:

Above: The Union Trust Building, Washington D. C. Built in 1907.
Image source: Peter William

Above: Guilford County Courthouse, North Carolina. Built in 1920.
Image source: ebay

   History in Churches and Cemeteries
of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania

Holy Trinity Roman Catholic Church
1856 - First masses for German members of St. Peter’s Church held in that church’s basement.
1859 - Property acquired at present site.
1862 - First church consecrated.
1865 - Parochial school began.
1929 - Present church dedicated.
Source: Churches and Cemeteries of Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, A. Hunter Rineer, 1993, page 71. LancasterHistory