An Urban Walk in Lancaster, PA
Exploring Chestnut Hill
Green Spaces, Historic Architecture, Coffee Shops, and Cafes

Above: Stevens School

Above: West Lawn

Above: Martin / Wolf House

Chestnut Hill Walk:
Distance: 1.75 miles.
Walking time: 45 minutes.
Starting place / ending place:
Chestnut Hill Cafe

Above: Starting & ending place: Chestnut Hill Cafe
532 West Chestnut Street

Above: Coffee and croissant at Chestnut Hill Cafe

  Chestnut Hill in Springtime:

Chestnut Hill in Autumn:

You can follow this route on your phone as you walk,
with the free app AllTrails:

Above: This walking route on AllTrails. The AllTrails app is free.
It is one of the most popular apps for following a walking / hiking route on a phone.

  Chestnut Hill in Winter:

Or you can follow this route on your phone as you walk,
And you can explore this route on any device
with this Google Map Link.

 Above: You can follow this route on your phone as you walk, with this Google map: Google Map Link

 The Walk Includes Historic Architecture
by Lancaster’s Favorite Homegrown Architect: C. Emlen Urban:

Above: Steigerwalt House by Architect C. Emlen Urban 632 West Chestnut Street. Built ca. 1894.