Note: This website has moved.
The Martin Brothers’ updated webpage is at this link: Here
The Martin Brothers of Lancaster, PA
Mennonite farm brothers helped build Lancaster City
And helped create Millersville University
Above: Homes of the Martin brothers in Lancaster, PA. Their families were next-door neighbors. Portrait of Barton B. Martin. Portrait source: History of Lancaster County, Ellis and Evans, 1883.
The story of the Martin Brothers is a story of Mennonite farm brothers who left their parents’ farm to follow their dreams. Despite having only limited education the brothers found fortune and family in Lancaster City. It is the story of the promise and potential of urban Lancaster. It is a story of how two brothers found their American dream.
Barton Martin became one of Lancaster’s most successful businessmen with his coal and lumber business. Jonas Martin became a prosperous owner of a Lancaster department store. This website is a scrapbook of their history.
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